Your Pet-Friendly Move

Your Pet-Friendly Move

Moving is a very exciting time. Whether it’s just a few blocks away, within the city, or across the country- It is a big change and a new chapter in your life. Unfortunately, it might not be the same for your furry friend.

The move can be stressful for both you and your pet, but all it takes is a little planning and adjustment until you can settle happily in your new home sweet home.

Here are some tips to make your move a little easier for you and your pet:

  1. Get settled in before moving your pet.

    Whenever you’re moving, there tends to be tons of traffic in and out of your new place. Basically, it’s just hectic. Also, don’t forget that in the moving process there’s always doors open, which can be risky with a pet sneaking out. Postpone bringing your pet in until you have everything moved.


  2. Update your pet’s tags and microchips information.

    With an address change and possibly a new phone number, make sure to keep the information updated. You want to make sure that if your pet gets out in the new neighborhood, they can be found.


  3. Pet-Proof your new home.

    Make sure there isn’t anything that can potentially harm your pet. Be sure to look for poisonous plants, pest-control poison traps, and dangerous places they could get into.


  4. Understand your neighborhoods pet rules.

    Some neighborhoods have certain restrictions on pets. How many you can have, where they can go to the bathroom, etc. Make sure you get on a good foot with your subdivision, and don’t break any of the rules.


  5. Take your pet for a walk around the area.

    Walking allows both you and your pet to explore the new neighborhood. Plus, it might be good to get some fresh air and exercise during the craziness of moving.


  6. Have a “familiar” pet area.

    Whether it be a cozy crate, laying out a favorite blanket, or using the same food/water bowls, it is important to give your pet some familiarity. This can make the adjustment just a little bit easier.


  7. Give them extra love and lots of hugs.

    With this new adjustment for your pet, it is important to give them extra attention. Make sure to give them cuddle time, and help them explore the new home.



Have any extra tips and tricks to make the move for you and your furry friend a little easier? Tell us in the comments below!


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