July:  Worst Things to Buy-Part 2

July: Worst Things to Buy-Part 2

For most shoppers, finding deals are at the top of the list.  But what about the deals we should wait for?  I dug through some of the best deals and worst deals for the month of July and here’s what I came up with:

The Worst Things to Buy in July

1.  Vehicles
If you don’t need a new vehicle right away, wait until the cooler months to purchase a new ride.  Statistics show more consumers are purchasing vehicles in the springtime and summer, so dealers don’t typically offer as many discounts in July.

Pro-tip:  Save your cash for purchasing a vehicle in the wintertime when deals are at their best, and towards the end of the month when dealerships are more inclined to work with the bottom-line price in order to hit monthly sales goals.

2.  Back-to-school Supplies
Save more by waiting for peak back-to-school supply sales in late August to early September. 

Pro-tip:  Check to see if your state offers a tax-free weekend on school supplies.

3.  Bedding
Holiday weekends can be a tempting time to purchase new bedding materials with the home décor sales, but it’s recommended to wait until after Labor Day weekend when the sales are stronger.

4.  TV’s
Summertime is less ideal for finding the lowest deals on televisions for your home.  Spend some time outside seeing what events your community has to offer or stay inside and catch up on some relaxed reading.

5.  Most Electronics…Laptops, Desktops, and especially Apple products
A majority of electronic devices will be discounted at a better rate in the fall, so if you don’t need a new device now it’s recommended to wait for cooler months. 

Pro-tip:  If you’re an Apple fan like me, it’s good to remember that new iPhones are released in the fall and new designs are usually every two years!  If you aren’t waiting for the newest device to come out, winter is also a great time to purchase an older model of phone at the same time.

What are some purchases you wait to make in July?  Share your shopping secrets in the comments below!

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