The Worst Things to Buy in September

The Worst Things to Buy in September

September marks the beginning of cooler weather and for some, holiday planning.  Keep your eyes open for these great deals if you’re an “earlier-than-December” shopper or if you just want to save your hard-earned dollars!

The Worst Things to Buy in September

Large Appliances
Appliances like refrigerators, washers, and dryers are getting ready to go on major Black Friday sales in November.  If you can wait for these deals, it will be worth it.

winter clothes christmas story

Winter Clothing
As days become shorter and temperatures start to cool, fall and winter fashion clothes are starting to arrive in stores.  Clothing lines are typically at their highest costs during the first month of the new season.


What about the new iPhone?—Should you wait on the newest generations?
On September 12th, Apple introduced the iPhone 8/8s and iPhone X (Ten).  With all the latest technology and features, the cost of the newest generations rise and the trade in values for older generations remain the same.  Waiting to purchase the most recent iPhones until your phone provider has a deal may be the best approach.

Holiday Preparation…
With three months leading up to some of the highest spending for consumers, it’s never too early to start thinking about holiday shopping.  ABECU/PCU’s holiday savings account can help with preparing for buying holiday gifts this winter.

Are you waiting until October to make a specific purchase?  Tell us in the comments!

Best Things to Buy in October

Best Things to Buy in October

The Best Things to Buy in September

The Best Things to Buy in September