Financial Planning Is For Everyone

Financial Planning Is For Everyone

You might think that financial planning is only for people with a six-figure income, but everyone can benefit from having a personal financial plan. When you have a plan for your money, you're more likely to turn your dreams into reality — buying a home, protecting your savings, and retiring comfortably.


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What is a financial plan?


A financial plan is a road map for your money. It's where you set your goals for budgeting, savings, debt management, investments, and insurance — for both the short term and the long haul. The plan also includes the strategies you need to achieve each goal, along with financial checkpoints to ensure you meet them in the desired timeframe.

Financial planning includes key benefits that will help you accomplish the following:


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1.Clarify your retirement goals

While you might have vague visions of spending your golden years enjoying your hobbies, friends, and family, how are you going to make that future possible? Figuring out how you'll be able to live a life of leisure without a steady paycheck can be challenging. Your plan can detail the actions you need to take each year to experience a secure and enjoyable retirement.


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2. Discuss long-term care options before they're needed

At some point, a chronic illness, disability, or other circumstance may cause you or a loved one to need help with daily living activities. Understanding home- and community-based services, along with their costs, can help alleviate emotional and financial stress if that time comes. Your financial plan can include your preferences regarding staying at home versus moving into a long-term care facility. And, a long-term care insurance plan could help cover associated expenses.



3. Keep your final wishes private

Financial planning documents often include either a Will or a Trust. Both are designed to make it clear how you'd like your property and assets distributed after your death, but there's at least one significant difference between them. Wills must go through court proceedings (public probate) before your final wishes can be executed. Trusts, which are privately held, can avoid public disclosure.

Creating a financial plan now gives you time to explore the details of both options to ensure you choose the best one for your situation.


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4. Focus on the big financial picture

In times of economic insecurity, many people take actions that end up being detrimental to their hopes for the future. With a financial plan in place, you can stay calm, keep your eye on the end-game, and refrain from making rash decisions — such as cashing out your investments and losing out on potential post-recovery gains — should an event like a temporary economic recession occur.



5. Increase your confidence in the future

While there are no guarantees, having a personal financial plan can help prepare you for life's inevitable ups and downs. Should a financial storm strike, you don't need to panic. Instead, you can refer to the goals you've established in your plan and use them and the resources you've established to guide your decisions.


Regardless of your income level, financial planning helps you plan for your future starting right now — wherever you are in life.

To experience the full benefit of financial planning, you need to start with a holistic view of your finances. This includes reviewing your current and future cash flow needs to help reduce debt, build an emergency fund savings account, and possibly save for a child's college education. A well-rounded plan takes into account all aspects of your financial life and sets you on a course to the future you've imagined.


Take charge of your financial future by scheduling an appointment with Together Investment and Retirement Services. When you schedule a phone consultation with one of our knowledgeable team members, you're one step closer to creating a financially secure future for yourself and your family.

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