All in Financial Literacy

Super Bowl 50 By The Numbers

Ever wonder how much it costs to make the Heisman trophy? What about the price tag for those famous commercials? Do halftime acts get paid for performing? Today, we share 50 fun financial facts and figures about the Super Bowl. They are likely to surprise even the most seasoned of football gurus!

How to Save Money Like My Parents

Growing up, I have distinct memories up of my mom and dad discussing (and sometimes bickering about) money. To Bonnie and Bob, keeping a tidy home was just as important as keeping their finances organized and in check. Only now that I am in my mid-thirties, do I realize what a monumental test of will it must have been for my parents to save money and thrive on a modest income—all while raising two twin girls. I often find myself wondering…just how did they do it? So, I decided to ask them.

4 of My Favorite Things About Joining the Credit Union

When I joined the credit union in October – as an employee and a member – I’m not sure how well I could detail the differences between a megabank and the credit union.  Yet after just a few days, I began to understand, experience, and appreciate the credit union difference. Here are just a few of the ways the credit union has improved my life in just three short months: